2024 © CWallA Building Materials Co. LLC

Header & Kwik Jambs

HD Header
HD Headers

SCAFCO’s HD Header replaces the stud-in-track Nested Header and Box Header assemblies.

  • Primarily used for interior openings of all sizes
  • Can also be used on exterior openings up to 8’
HDR Header
HDR Headers

SCAFCO’s HDR Header replaces the traditional Box Header system for conditions with greater vertical and lateral loads.

  • Primarily used for exterior wind bearing openings.
  • Can also be used for interior load bearing, or longer interior spans.
Kwik-Jamb Stud
Kwik-Jamb Studs

SCAFCO’s Kwik-Jamb stud replaces the back-to-back studs and Box Jamb assemblies.

  • Are used with both the HD and HDR header systems for efficient installation.